ok the child did not do that
it was me who ate half the watermelon.
but the child was squealing
she is contentedly playing with a box right now
Evie does not get toys she gets boxes
well our trip to PEI was successful here are some of the highlights of the trip
- playing with Evie in the ocean
-avoiding the jellyfish is said ocean
-Eating my birthday lunch at Dalvay by the Sea (a posh hotel from the late 1800's)
-The cottage we stayed at was just beautiful. It was the cutest little cottage I ever saw, and was very happy to stay there
-Having most of the Ramer clan over for a BBQ at the cottage
-St. Dustans Basilica; I'm not Catholic but the place made me want to genuflect
-Province House: to see the very room that... held the ball that solidified the our founding fathers desire to unite. Yes, that is what I said...a ball. Our nation, our motherland was forged out of a party? Yes, yes it was.
-Visiting a different beach just about every day
-seeing Evie and Kate get to know each other a little bit more
- Having Evie's diapers so wet on the plane (the seat belt sign was on and we couldn't change them) that they wet through and when Jerm got up he had a big wet spot on his lap, it looked like he had peed himself on the plane.
- Paying $8 to see a hole in the ground
( we paid to see L.M. Montgomery's house, but it turned out it was just the foundation of the house that was left. So in essence we paid $8 to see a hole in the ground.)
-The beauty of PEI is almost hard to communicate. There are red cliffs that meet grey oceans, rolling green hills and trees as far as can be seen. It is truly a place of transcendent beauty.
A good time was had by all