so we sold our car.
it only took 2 days!
then we were left with no car
so we bought a 2009 jeep patriot last weekend
what a process
car dealerships are frustrating
maybe i will relay that story later, anyway the point is that we now have a vehicle that I can fit in the back seat along with a car seat (or two) hooray!
I got a job!
well I am going back to Heritage Park for the summer
I thought of this before Christmas and thought if this is meant to be then a WHOLE lot of variables have to fall into place
I need someone to take Evie first of all
so Lar (my sister) is going to take Evie for 5 days in the first month, then when the park opens I can work weekends.
So I will have evie mon, tues. Lar will have her wed, thur. Jerm will have her fri, sat, sun.
He is going to take his vacation days and spread them out so he works 4 days a week for 4 months.
so it worked out
good good.
It will be an INSANE 5 months but I think it will be worth it. I will make enough to get out down payment on a house up to where it should be. Heritage park will not be where I could make the most money but I love it there and that is important as I will probably want to quite half way though the summer so being somewhere I love will help to get me through.
So I will enjoy this last month of freedom to do what I want during the day
after that for a while my schedule is set. (gulp)
I can't believe how cold it is again.