so last night was shrove tuesday the last day before the first day of lent. In the usual style of the Spiritual Theology majors at Rocky Mountain College we got together to eat all the pancakes with whiped cream, nutella, syrup and sugar we could. We add on to this a healthy side of bacon and hashbrowns and we top it off with some sausage. It is a night of serious gluttony. But that is what shrove tuesday is for. (for those of you who don't know it is the tuesday before the first day of lent, which is Ash Wednesday, that is celebrated by confesssion, absoulution of sin and getting rid of all the foods in the house that one must not eat during lent the next 40 days, or 46 if you count the sundays until Easter sunday) the getting rid of the food is the fun part.
I have been putting effort into building a leten celebration in my life for the last few years. Lent is not always about fasting and self denial I belive it can be a time when we add things to our lives. But it is a period of time when God and his sacrafice and presence is celebrated and remembered.
It is preperation for ressurection. How am I prepring to myself for the beauty and glory of ressurecion? well this year I felt God calling me to write. I have a lot of thoughts. Most of these get spewed out into the universe or at the people around me. But for a while i have felt God calling me to the dicipline of writting. So this is what i will do. I will keep a public and a private record of my thoughts (this of course being the public) so on this the first day of lent i suppose i have written.
good job
keep it up
you can do this
(just a little encouragement i will write to myself from myself)