I was recently attacked for my interpretation on the role of women in this day and age.
I think that the person who attacked me read a little portion of what i was thinking and called me immature and told me that sorrows would come in my life to shape me.
I would like to say that I have studied theology academically now for three and a half years and any conclusions that I have come to are not flippant ones that I think of on my own they are rooted many hours of thought, discussion, history, philosophy and the wisdom of people who have lived far greater lives than me and also thought about these things. They are also not just swallowing what the church says you have to believe or what is right to believe to be a christian. They are also arrived at through experience. I have walked through darkness and beauty, I have battled with depression and finding my way out of it. God has walked with me through sorrow and darkness to healing and joy. He has walked with me through the destruction of my family and to the restoration of it, he has walked with me through the death of my spirit and the resurrection of it. I have see a lot. I have felt a lot and I have walked through even more. I have struggled to live with integrity and brutal honesty over what i think, believe and ultimately do.
This person implored me to think.
I would expect from the same to this person.
and I would also say that your judgments are incredibly hurtful. You did not just disagree you judged me, labeled me and called me down.
I would love to live world where not all people believe the same things, we may disagree we also may fervently argue our point of view but we do not judge. We say to each other, you may not be live the way I do, you may not worship God the way I do but I will respect that and love you anyway and build you up not tear you down.
I think that the person who said these things to me is a brave, strong and beautiful woman. She has inspired me in the way that she lives her life. I am sad that she resorted to judgement and to hurtful words and setting herself up as some sort of quasi authority for my marriage.