Friday, March 16, 2007

convenient interpretation

Most Christians claim to be "Biblical Christians" They claim to follow the bible as God's word and as an authority for how they live their lives. They think that they follow the bible as how it is meant to be followed. They think they are coming to their own conclusions when they read the bible. I would argue that we are all guilty of convenient interpretation. We see the bible and read it with one narrow interpretation or how it most conveniently fits into our lives. We do not see how there is 2000 years of history, thought, theology and philosophy that informs our reading of scripture. Most do not know how many diverse interpretations of theological issues exist or for the hundereds of years they have been argued over. Or, as most people do, we take it for what we want to take it for. A perfect example of this is the issue of women. We do not presume to interpret the passages that say that women should not wear braided hair, gold jewelry and other such adornments literally, we say " oh that was for that time and place, it is cultural." But in the same breath these supposed "Biblical Christians" say that women should not lead or teach, that they must take a submissive role in the church and in the home. This is an easy example of this convenient interpretation that pervades the so called 'biblical church' If we say we want to live literally by some of the passages then we must according to logic live literally by the rest of the things Paul mentions.
But let us be honest with ourselves and with everyone around us. We are all guilty of picking things out of the bible that we like and ignoring the things we don't like.
I think it takes courage and a heart that truly is seeking truth to face these contradictions and think about them and not just accept the same old same old answers.
This is one of the smallest, but most obvious reasons why I don't believe in the submission of women. This is by no means a proper theological or academic discussion on the topic. (but we could have one if anyone wants) That is because this is my blog. This is not an academic paper that I am writing. This is where I post my opinions. Please readers do not take these things personally. I am not asking anyone to believe what I believe only that they truly examine the evidence and use critical thinking skills in life instead of ignorance. That is all I am advocating. Critical thinking.

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