Thursday, February 28, 2008

oww my freakin' ears!

you expect that kind of filth at Denny's, but here?

actually my arm hurts today. I got my tetanus booster shot yesterday when Evie got her 4 month shots.
my arm feels like a thousand children with a thousand tiny fists poked me for a 24 hour period. Yes that is exactly what it feels like, stupid arm.
well on the other hand Evie did well with her shots and seems to be feeling better this afternoon.
Last night on the other hand.
She woke up a 4 am.
which is odd because everyday she sleeps solid from 9:30-6:30 which is pretty good for me but last night i found myself watching 'the mom show' at 4:30 in the morning. I know why they put that show on at that hour, it is because that is when most moms are up wishing they were in bed exactly like the perfect moms on that bloody TV show most certainly are.
and then i discovered that we were out of diapers so we went to superstore at 8:30 this morning.
and then Evie threw up all over her exersaucer when we got home.
All my careful planning is gone to waste!
my day is going well.
all I am waiting for is goats to break into my house and chew off my legs. Yes that would just about complete my day.

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