so in the last 24 hours Evie has ripped a page out of a Berenstein Bears book and has ripped off the f key on the keyboard and I can't for the life of me get it back on. I never noticed how many times I use the letter F. Now I shall have to try to tailor my witting to exclude fs.
I was in superstore this morning. (Yeah that right I now get my grocery shopping done before 10:30 in the morning because Evie is up at 7 every day. ) This old Asian lady came up to me and smiled and said 'Nice baby." and I was about to say "thanks she is an 07 model." but I just said thanks. Now I am not really one to talk to strangers but it seems that whenever I have Evie with me it is an open invitation for random people to talk to you. Babies bring out the crazies. They also bring out the old ladies. I don't mind so much the old ladies it is just the crazies that I shrink back from. And on the other hand a lot of the time the two categories are combined. And then there are the other mothers of young children. I get a lot of 'cute baby, how old is she.' I am not really one to walk up to a complete stranger and comment on their babies or children and it always baffles me when other people do this.
My dad and sister and I were in the mall the other day and Selah, my niece, was walking behind up with my dad and my sister was pushing her empty stroller when this lady walks up to her and said,' where's your baby?'
Mothers lose their babies in the mall all the time and usually just keep walking with their empty strollers.
...still haven't found her yet, do you know where she is? Oh well, at least I still have that empty stroller to push around....
as indicated in an old Dilbert cartoon babies are chick magnets.
malcolm the nabob
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