Friday, September 05, 2008

moderate condition

so the weekend is here....not that I do anything different on the weekend but it is still great that it is the weekend.
We will be spending the weekend at home.
this will be our first full weekend at home since June.

so we are going to celebrate our anniversary this weekend.
we're just going to go wild and crazy and do something we've never done before...dinner and a movie.
well we are both too tired to think of anything more, and plus the munchkin is at home taking care of herself and she can't use the stove yet so we have to be back within 6 hours.
no...kelsey is going to babysit... horray!

well this is 5 years. I don't actually think we have ever celebrated our anniversary on the actual day. There has always been something going on to prevent it, so we will continue with the tradition of a month or so later celebrations.
I am not good with dates, I even forgot it was our anniversary last year until someone reminded me. I don't really get wrapped up in the whole 'romantic' thing. I am far too pragmatic, so a month or so later suits me just fine.

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