Wednesday, January 07, 2009

evie come crash on the floor

so I woke up from a dream the other night that went a little something like this:

I am wandering around a rabbit farm and I see cages of bunnies flapping their floppy ears as hard as they can and I think to myself ' those bunnies are turning into birds; well that's evolution for ya. Damn it!'

in other news don't buy a Sony Bravia LCD tv. We have had ours since for about two weeks now and last night it quit working. Stupid tv. I guess we'll see what kind of a warranty we got.

I should change the book I am said to be reading on my blog. I read about three or four books in between changing what it says I am reading. But I am too lazy on most occasions to change it.

here is a cutie sitting in her very own chair she got for her birthday. She likes to sit in it covered with a blanket and with her favorite stuffed animals. It is funny how we order our worlds at such a young age.


~m said...

is she calling me a loser???

Anonymous said...

let me know how bloodletting works out for you.

malcolm the nabob