Monday, August 24, 2009

i love tacos

chances are if I know you I have thought about sending you a card

I have thought about it

but did not do it

If you have ever had a birthday, an anniversary, something happy or sad happen

chances are I have had the intention of sending you a card

I like the idea of cards
of writing a thoughtful, poignant statement that captures perfectly the emotion and the precise feeling of a special moment

I am just not so good at the execution

so take heart

If I know you

you are more than likely special enough for me to have thought about sending you a card


Kristin said...

i may be a jerk, or just lazy?

Elise said...

Chances are I have read your blog and wanted to comment, but haven’t. So this is me saying that I absolutely love the direction(s) your blog is going. I am also going to start watching to see if you are taking a little peek at my teeth while I am talking...Oh and I don’t think you are a jerk and you're sure not lazy, so my theory is that you have been sent to earth from the enemy of all card companies. You have this deep desire to send cards but just-cant-do-it...hmmm