Saturday, April 05, 2008

and we're not having cold mush for lunch today...yay!!!...we're having warm mush

She eats!
I started feeding Evie some solids this week.
Well solids are a slightly exaggerated term for what she eats.
It is really closer to warm rice mush.
I'm thinking it might taste pretty special (that is for all you 'Suburban Souls' stars, fans, and creators out there)
Actually I tasted some and surprisingly it tastes exactly what you would think warm rice mush would taste like.

Here is Evie sitting in her new high chair

and here is the finished product

you may be thinking that Evie is a quick change artist but no, she is not. The last picture is from the second time she ate, thus the difference in clothes. I have also discovered that eating is done best in short sleeves.
well it is a start. In the next few weeks we will be building her mush repertoire adding such things as mushed squash, carrots, peas and maybe even beans.
what a lucky girl.


Lindsay said...

Good luck with the vegetables. Luke only likes vegetables that are orange or yellow (corn, sweet potatoes, butternut squash), and fruit. Peas are right out. He even has a bib that says "give peas a chance" but he always ignores its plea for healthy food choices.

Anonymous said...

power to the peas.

"all we are saying is give peas a chance"

malcolm the nabob

La said...

the Cadillac of high is that not surprising...? :)