Tuesday, June 29, 2010

a house is built where it wasn't before

I was told about this in my dreams
and with a word that hung in the air
I was warned about the coming destruction
I misunderstood a warning as a sign that change was possible
the deepest truth about what is
about what was
about what always will be

change was not possible not because I did not choose it
but because she did not

the dreams:

I am in the front yard of the acreage house and there is a big black bull
loose in the yard
my mother is throwing the little kids up in the trees to keep them safe
she is yelling at me to take them inside
I can not open the door.

It is a winter night
so cold there is no sound
so dark only the white snow is visible
I am trying to get from the shop to the house
there is polar bear somewhere in the darkness
Dale runs out of the house with a gun and a dog
but runs into the dark with no direction, the wrong way
I am attacked by the bear
I hold open his jaws with my bare hands
they will not shut.

It is a cold winter night
so cold there is no sound
so dark only the white snow is visible
I am trying to get from the shop to the house
only this time there is a wolf somewhere in the darkness
Dale runs out of the house, the wrong way again
the wolf attacks.

the word:

I wake up in the morning
and hear this sentence in my head

'the memories of the family you have now will have to sustain you for the rest of your life'

all this is told to me years before now.
and yet now the dreams are reality
the destruction has come.

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