Wednesday, May 16, 2007
swallowing fish
so Jeremy asked me the other day what it was like to feel the little bambino move around for the first time. I said I think it is probabaly like the same sensation as swallowing some live gold fish. Something is moving around inside me and its not me.
it is strange to feel.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
so i am following in Jeremy's footsteps and looking up my titles on google images
apparently this is stress
I suppose it would be scary for the cow knowing he is going
to have to go back in the water
so looking for a house in Calgary
is about as impossible as it gets
and i am hoping that
we find something that we can afford but is still nice.
that is just about too difficult to find.
work is going well but it is still
so difficult to drag myself out of bed in the morning
to a place where my bed is not.
so needless to say i am stressed
well more like anxious.
at least i am exhausted enough at the end of the day
to still fall asleep within 5 min. of going to bed.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
what made last night even worse
was that i did not wear sensible shoes
my feet felt like bloody stumps at the end.
this morning i will use my handy foot massager michelle
gave me.
was that i did not wear sensible shoes
my feet felt like bloody stumps at the end.
this morning i will use my handy foot massager michelle
gave me.
Amongst the vending machines and year old magazines
in a place where we only say good-bye
It stung like a violent wind that our memories
depend on a faulty camera in our mind
But I knew that you were a truth that I would rather lose
than to have never lain beside at all.
-Death Cab for Cutie
i have friends where i have found truth and beauty.
They are people who with out knowing it
have transformed me.
last night i said good-bye to some of these people
For the first time in my life i feel as if i have lost something beautiful
in friends that i can never get back
they are all going off and starting masters programs and universities around the country
and i am here.
i feel as if they have walked off with dreams
and have plans and goals
and i am lost
it was grad last night
and i think it will be my last official function that i participate in with the College
it was an end for all of us
yet they walked away with a degree
and i walked away empty
i tell myself that my plans are not lost
they are just on hold for a few years
i hope that when the time comes for me
to pick them up again
i will have the courage
to follow through
my friends are gone and i will miss the comfort of their presence
what can be said about a night like last night
when an entire piece of my world passed out of my grasp
and i have no choice but to move on
in a place where we only say good-bye
It stung like a violent wind that our memories
depend on a faulty camera in our mind
But I knew that you were a truth that I would rather lose
than to have never lain beside at all.
-Death Cab for Cutie
i have friends where i have found truth and beauty.
They are people who with out knowing it
have transformed me.
last night i said good-bye to some of these people
For the first time in my life i feel as if i have lost something beautiful
in friends that i can never get back
they are all going off and starting masters programs and universities around the country
and i am here.
i feel as if they have walked off with dreams
and have plans and goals
and i am lost
it was grad last night
and i think it will be my last official function that i participate in with the College
it was an end for all of us
yet they walked away with a degree
and i walked away empty
i tell myself that my plans are not lost
they are just on hold for a few years
i hope that when the time comes for me
to pick them up again
i will have the courage
to follow through
my friends are gone and i will miss the comfort of their presence
what can be said about a night like last night
when an entire piece of my world passed out of my grasp
and i have no choice but to move on
Monday, April 23, 2007
So I am sick again.
I made it half way to work and then had to turn around because I was about to throw up all over myself in the car. no fun.
I made it home but I think this may be more than just morning sickness comming back . I think I have to flu.
I am so sick of being sick.
my immune system is shot.
and I am germ velcro.
Some good news.
My friend michelle has solved the smelly feet problem in my life,
no she did not get me new non stink holding shoes
she bought me a water foot massager
She also knitted a blanket for the baby,
but I am so glad my friends know it is just as important to get me a gift as it is
to get a gift for a baby who does not even know it is getting a gift
so today I plan on soaking my feet in between bouts of sickness.
sounds like a good day.
no not really
i hope i can eat something today.
I made it half way to work and then had to turn around because I was about to throw up all over myself in the car. no fun.
I made it home but I think this may be more than just morning sickness comming back . I think I have to flu.
I am so sick of being sick.
my immune system is shot.
and I am germ velcro.
Some good news.
My friend michelle has solved the smelly feet problem in my life,
no she did not get me new non stink holding shoes
she bought me a water foot massager
She also knitted a blanket for the baby,
but I am so glad my friends know it is just as important to get me a gift as it is
to get a gift for a baby who does not even know it is getting a gift
so today I plan on soaking my feet in between bouts of sickness.
sounds like a good day.
no not really
i hope i can eat something today.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I have the most boring blog on the face of the planet but I am too tired to care
I keep thinking I will update it with all the things going on in my life but every evening
I say, I'll do it tommorow
so I have started work again
frick my feet stink
I think I need new shoes
non stink holding ones
this is my new strategy
just say whatever comes to my mind
it seems to work for other blogs that get
regularly up dated
I am also writing my blogs in non- prose style
which seems to work for random thoughts a little better
I like it this way
I am so tired tonight
I left work earlier today after reading the same sentance about 4 times and not absorbing anything.
my brain is full of historical/interpretive skills development info that I am trying to fit into the training schedule for our summer staff
but it does feel good to be back at work
to be needed, busy, and knowlegable
I like my job
I think I will just change my socks.
I keep thinking I will update it with all the things going on in my life but every evening
I say, I'll do it tommorow
so I have started work again
frick my feet stink
I think I need new shoes
non stink holding ones
this is my new strategy
just say whatever comes to my mind
it seems to work for other blogs that get
regularly up dated
I am also writing my blogs in non- prose style
which seems to work for random thoughts a little better
I like it this way
I am so tired tonight
I left work earlier today after reading the same sentance about 4 times and not absorbing anything.
my brain is full of historical/interpretive skills development info that I am trying to fit into the training schedule for our summer staff
but it does feel good to be back at work
to be needed, busy, and knowlegable
I like my job
I think I will just change my socks.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
still snowing. still sick.
ok so.
I haven't updated for a while.
That is due to many factors.
most of which include me throwing up most every day.
and getting another cold.
which makes two in the span of umm lets say one month.
I guess the reason for the throwing up is obvious
or it will be in another month or so
but most of you know there is a new Ramer on the way.
I haven't updated for a while.
That is due to many factors.
most of which include me throwing up most every day.
and getting another cold.
which makes two in the span of umm lets say one month.
I guess the reason for the throwing up is obvious
or it will be in another month or so
but most of you know there is a new Ramer on the way.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
worst weekend ever
so this has been one of the worst weekends on record. I hate conflict. I also hate the flu. I had both this weekend. I was attacked by a strange virus that included both the stomach flu, a cold, a sore throat, a fever and the usual aches that come with the flu. It has been two days of calling ralph on the big white telephone (which is the handy euphemism my dad used when one of us kids would throw up) When I get sick I also get insomnia. So Jeremy has sat up these last few nights with me, feeling my head and telling me I feel like I am on fire. Well my head may be on fire but the rest of me feels like it has been dipped in ice water.
frickity frick. I hate this weekend. (apparently the sailor steering this boat had the worst weekend ever also, or that is at least what Google images liked to title this picture.)
Saturday, March 17, 2007
an answer
In response to my last post an author has asked me why her comments made me so upset. The answer is plain and simple. I am sure anyone would get upset and hurt if they felt publicly shamed and judged. If you call someone names in public it is obviously going to hurt and that person will probably defend themselves. There is no deeper issue here other than to say thank you for your apology, I hope you will remember to be more careful with your words and judgments in the future. If any of my words have been misunderstood and hurtful I also apologize.
Friday, March 16, 2007
convenient interpretation
Most Christians claim to be "Biblical Christians" They claim to follow the bible as God's word and as an authority for how they live their lives. They think that they follow the bible as how it is meant to be followed. They think they are coming to their own conclusions when they read the bible. I would argue that we are all guilty of convenient interpretation. We see the bible and read it with one narrow interpretation or how it most conveniently fits into our lives. We do not see how there is 2000 years of history, thought, theology and philosophy that informs our reading of scripture. Most do not know how many diverse interpretations of theological issues exist or for the hundereds of years they have been argued over. Or, as most people do, we take it for what we want to take it for. A perfect example of this is the issue of women. We do not presume to interpret the passages that say that women should not wear braided hair, gold jewelry and other such adornments literally, we say " oh that was for that time and place, it is cultural." But in the same breath these supposed "Biblical Christians" say that women should not lead or teach, that they must take a submissive role in the church and in the home. This is an easy example of this convenient interpretation that pervades the so called 'biblical church' If we say we want to live literally by some of the passages then we must according to logic live literally by the rest of the things Paul mentions.
But let us be honest with ourselves and with everyone around us. We are all guilty of picking things out of the bible that we like and ignoring the things we don't like.
I think it takes courage and a heart that truly is seeking truth to face these contradictions and think about them and not just accept the same old same old answers.
This is one of the smallest, but most obvious reasons why I don't believe in the submission of women. This is by no means a proper theological or academic discussion on the topic. (but we could have one if anyone wants) That is because this is my blog. This is not an academic paper that I am writing. This is where I post my opinions. Please readers do not take these things personally. I am not asking anyone to believe what I believe only that they truly examine the evidence and use critical thinking skills in life instead of ignorance. That is all I am advocating. Critical thinking.
But let us be honest with ourselves and with everyone around us. We are all guilty of picking things out of the bible that we like and ignoring the things we don't like.
I think it takes courage and a heart that truly is seeking truth to face these contradictions and think about them and not just accept the same old same old answers.
This is one of the smallest, but most obvious reasons why I don't believe in the submission of women. This is by no means a proper theological or academic discussion on the topic. (but we could have one if anyone wants) That is because this is my blog. This is not an academic paper that I am writing. This is where I post my opinions. Please readers do not take these things personally. I am not asking anyone to believe what I believe only that they truly examine the evidence and use critical thinking skills in life instead of ignorance. That is all I am advocating. Critical thinking.
I was recently attacked for my interpretation on the role of women in this day and age.
I think that the person who attacked me read a little portion of what i was thinking and called me immature and told me that sorrows would come in my life to shape me.
I would like to say that I have studied theology academically now for three and a half years and any conclusions that I have come to are not flippant ones that I think of on my own they are rooted many hours of thought, discussion, history, philosophy and the wisdom of people who have lived far greater lives than me and also thought about these things. They are also not just swallowing what the church says you have to believe or what is right to believe to be a christian. They are also arrived at through experience. I have walked through darkness and beauty, I have battled with depression and finding my way out of it. God has walked with me through sorrow and darkness to healing and joy. He has walked with me through the destruction of my family and to the restoration of it, he has walked with me through the death of my spirit and the resurrection of it. I have see a lot. I have felt a lot and I have walked through even more. I have struggled to live with integrity and brutal honesty over what i think, believe and ultimately do.
This person implored me to think.
I would expect from the same to this person.
and I would also say that your judgments are incredibly hurtful. You did not just disagree you judged me, labeled me and called me down.
I would love to live world where not all people believe the same things, we may disagree we also may fervently argue our point of view but we do not judge. We say to each other, you may not be live the way I do, you may not worship God the way I do but I will respect that and love you anyway and build you up not tear you down.
I think that the person who said these things to me is a brave, strong and beautiful woman. She has inspired me in the way that she lives her life. I am sad that she resorted to judgement and to hurtful words and setting herself up as some sort of quasi authority for my marriage.
I think that the person who attacked me read a little portion of what i was thinking and called me immature and told me that sorrows would come in my life to shape me.
I would like to say that I have studied theology academically now for three and a half years and any conclusions that I have come to are not flippant ones that I think of on my own they are rooted many hours of thought, discussion, history, philosophy and the wisdom of people who have lived far greater lives than me and also thought about these things. They are also not just swallowing what the church says you have to believe or what is right to believe to be a christian. They are also arrived at through experience. I have walked through darkness and beauty, I have battled with depression and finding my way out of it. God has walked with me through sorrow and darkness to healing and joy. He has walked with me through the destruction of my family and to the restoration of it, he has walked with me through the death of my spirit and the resurrection of it. I have see a lot. I have felt a lot and I have walked through even more. I have struggled to live with integrity and brutal honesty over what i think, believe and ultimately do.
This person implored me to think.
I would expect from the same to this person.
and I would also say that your judgments are incredibly hurtful. You did not just disagree you judged me, labeled me and called me down.
I would love to live world where not all people believe the same things, we may disagree we also may fervently argue our point of view but we do not judge. We say to each other, you may not be live the way I do, you may not worship God the way I do but I will respect that and love you anyway and build you up not tear you down.
I think that the person who said these things to me is a brave, strong and beautiful woman. She has inspired me in the way that she lives her life. I am sad that she resorted to judgement and to hurtful words and setting herself up as some sort of quasi authority for my marriage.
Monday, March 05, 2007
I woke up this morning thinking it was spring. my heart skipped a beat until I looked out the window. crap. I have never been this partial towards spring but for some reason I am so so sick of winter this year. I could almost taste the flowers this morning. Well it is not as if i eat flowers. but this morning i think i would have. A big bite of garden.
it is still winter.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
prior revleation
I have heard it said that any new revelation of God and his works must follow prior revelation. That is to say if what we think God is saying does not line up with the biblical revelation of who he is and how he works then it is not true. The the bible is the so called plumb line to determine all acts that are truly of God or not. I was thinking about this and thought that if the Nation of Israel suddenly announced a mandate to exterminate the entire Palestinian Nation every man, woman, child and baby that this would be in line with past biblical revelation about God. In the old testament God did indeed order the extermination of the Amalekites every man, woman, child and baby.
what does this say about the biblical revelation of God?
what does this say about the biblical revelation of God?
We are told that to be good christian women we must submit to our husbands. That man is the head of the household and that women are to submit to the supposed authority given to them by God and anointed by the christian church.
I think that women accept this pattern of living not just because the church tells them they must in order to be good and to avoid sinning, but I think more importantly women use this as a convenient excuse to escape the moral ambiguity of life. Life is confusing, painful and full of things that we cannot, no matter how hard we try, reconcile through the supposed christian worldview.
I do not think that women do this consciously but in the end it is accomplished through the sheer force of fear that they willingly give up their right to critical thinking and accept this second rate human existence.
The most beautiful women I know take participate in humanity. They walk through the moral ambiguity of life with eyes wide open, they are responsible for interpreting the world around them and acting on the convictions of their thoughts and hearts.
this is the kind of woman that I seek to be.
I think that women accept this pattern of living not just because the church tells them they must in order to be good and to avoid sinning, but I think more importantly women use this as a convenient excuse to escape the moral ambiguity of life. Life is confusing, painful and full of things that we cannot, no matter how hard we try, reconcile through the supposed christian worldview.
I do not think that women do this consciously but in the end it is accomplished through the sheer force of fear that they willingly give up their right to critical thinking and accept this second rate human existence.
The most beautiful women I know take participate in humanity. They walk through the moral ambiguity of life with eyes wide open, they are responsible for interpreting the world around them and acting on the convictions of their thoughts and hearts.
this is the kind of woman that I seek to be.
Monday, February 26, 2007
lazy weekend
so it was another lazy weekend. You can see Jeremy engaged in his favorite activity. Falling asleep on the couch while reading.
I think I was watching a movie.
anyway we did get out and took the train to the library (another one of Jeremys favorite places) and then spent the afternoon reading at a new cafe we found near our house. The cafe is in Kensington and we have passed it many times on our way to Starbucks. As it turns out we did this again on saturday only to get to starbucks and find that the line up went out the door. So we walked back to the other Cafe and went in. I found myself plesantly surprised. We had lunch and coffee all in one place!! Yes, as you can see that my life has definitly picked up in excitment when this is the highlight of my weekend. We also washed the car and ate chineese food.
I think I was watching a movie.
anyway we did get out and took the train to the library (another one of Jeremys favorite places) and then spent the afternoon reading at a new cafe we found near our house. The cafe is in Kensington and we have passed it many times on our way to Starbucks. As it turns out we did this again on saturday only to get to starbucks and find that the line up went out the door. So we walked back to the other Cafe and went in. I found myself plesantly surprised. We had lunch and coffee all in one place!! Yes, as you can see that my life has definitly picked up in excitment when this is the highlight of my weekend. We also washed the car and ate chineese food.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I have shrived, shriven and shroved
so last night was shrove tuesday the last day before the first day of lent. In the usual style of the Spiritual Theology majors at Rocky Mountain College we got together to eat all the pancakes with whiped cream, nutella, syrup and sugar we could. We add on to this a healthy side of bacon and hashbrowns and we top it off with some sausage. It is a night of serious gluttony. But that is what shrove tuesday is for. (for those of you who don't know it is the tuesday before the first day of lent, which is Ash Wednesday, that is celebrated by confesssion, absoulution of sin and getting rid of all the foods in the house that one must not eat during lent the next 40 days, or 46 if you count the sundays until Easter sunday) the getting rid of the food is the fun part.
I have been putting effort into building a leten celebration in my life for the last few years. Lent is not always about fasting and self denial I belive it can be a time when we add things to our lives. But it is a period of time when God and his sacrafice and presence is celebrated and remembered. It is preperation for ressurection. How am I prepring to myself for the beauty and glory of ressurecion? well this year I felt God calling me to write. I have a lot of thoughts. Most of these get spewed out into the universe or at the people around me. But for a while i have felt God calling me to the dicipline of writting. So this is what i will do. I will keep a public and a private record of my thoughts (this of course being the public) so on this the first day of lent i suppose i have written.
good job
keep it up
you can do this
(just a little encouragement i will write to myself from myself)
I have been putting effort into building a leten celebration in my life for the last few years. Lent is not always about fasting and self denial I belive it can be a time when we add things to our lives. But it is a period of time when God and his sacrafice and presence is celebrated and remembered. It is preperation for ressurection. How am I prepring to myself for the beauty and glory of ressurecion? well this year I felt God calling me to write. I have a lot of thoughts. Most of these get spewed out into the universe or at the people around me. But for a while i have felt God calling me to the dicipline of writting. So this is what i will do. I will keep a public and a private record of my thoughts (this of course being the public) so on this the first day of lent i suppose i have written.
good job
keep it up
you can do this
(just a little encouragement i will write to myself from myself)
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
unrealistic romance day
so I do not celebrate valentines day. I don't participate because I do not want to add confusion to my life. I think that living in reality is a valuable thing. Valentines day is apex of the fantasy world type romance that our society sets us up to expect as a 'norm' in our world. And inevitably when we don't reach the heights of romance we are disapointed. I choose to live in the world of reality where i know that my life is not a romantic comedy just as much as I don't expect to win the next lotto. Living in reality avoids a life of heart break. That is not to say that i don't enjoy love and romance, it is just that I think we need to change our definition of what romance is from what society says it is to what fits into your reality. Love and romance that is rooted in the reality of our existance is so much more full of beauty and true depth than trying to live out unrelistic expections of what it 'should' or 'ought' to be. Just as i can not let the world around me dictate to be my being or my personhood or the value and worth of those things I can not expect society to dictate to me what i ought to feel is romance and the substance of love and how that ought to be instituted in my life.
on the other hand Jeremy is relived that he does not have to by $200 roses.
the funny thing is that when i tell Jeremy this stuff about how i really feel about valentines day and other stuff like this he looks at me as if he couldn't get enough of me and as if i am the most amazing girl in the entire world and i know that i am really really really loved. That means so much more to me to know that i am really loved for my convictions and personhood than it would to get chocolate and flowers.
on the other hand Jeremy is relived that he does not have to by $200 roses.
the funny thing is that when i tell Jeremy this stuff about how i really feel about valentines day and other stuff like this he looks at me as if he couldn't get enough of me and as if i am the most amazing girl in the entire world and i know that i am really really really loved. That means so much more to me to know that i am really loved for my convictions and personhood than it would to get chocolate and flowers.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I've changed my mind
so I've changed my mind. I am going to re-start my blog. I though that after the first entry that i don't want to do this but now i think I will. I went to a funeral last week. Jessie Wilkie was my neighbor for most of my growing up years. Her and her husband had the most beautiful gardens and they would spend hours in them. I used to garden with them. Her husband always used to try to make me call her Nanna. That was rather confusing to me because she was not my Nanna and i didn't think it was right to call her anything else except Mrs. Wilkie. strange. anyway. She kept a journal and wrote it in everyday since 1957. It was amazing to have her life chronicled like that in her own writting. NOt that I think I will keep this blog going to 50 years, I will try for a week. and we will see where it goes from there. I'm not promising anything big kids.
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