oh yes. I stayed in Brooks for the week again. Lar was staying so on Easter Monday I decided that I did not feel like packing up and driving home so Jerm went back to Calgary for the week and I stayed. We went to a movie ( Horton hears a who) on Tuesday, swimming on Wednesday, and to Dinosaur park on Friday. My little sister Eden (who is three) got a new bike helmet and wore it all day Friday. So we walked around the museum with a little girl in a bike helmet. I love how kids can get away with that stuff. I was watching my niece Selah dance the other day and thought that the reason we think kids are so cute is because it is the only time that we can see behavior that is completely free from self and consciences. It is genuine human expression, free from constraint. Beautiful.
Evie sat through her first movie at the theater. She was completely mesmerized for half of it and asleep for the other half.
It was a pretty fun week.
She also learned to sit up on her own this past week.
Here is Evie sitting with Eden in her bed.