Friday, March 21, 2008

live from somewhere between brooks and duchess its....easter weekend!

so I went grocery shopping with my mom today and we ran into my mom's mom's cousin. (my grandma's cousin for all those who are genealogically impaired) and she asked if me and my younger sister (who is 20) were helping mom out at the grocery store and we smiled and said yes, then she leaned in and asked us if the Easter bunny had come for us yet. um...the Easter bunny has not come for about 17 years. I think he forgot where I lived. Anyway Aunt Bernice just smiled and said that he will probably come tomorrow. Yaay!!!! The Easter bunny is coming tomorrow!! (well according to my 80 year old aunt)
The lady at the checkout was orange. Literally. Hair, skin, nails, lips (well no her lips were bright pink I think that it was a last ditch effort to look like she had not spent the last 45 years stuck in a tanning bed)
what a town, what a town.

in other news my little sister Charis said that church this morning was like a time out. Yeah I think she had a good time.

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