Saturday, September 20, 2008

miss teen world my word

so Evie is sick today.
this is the very first time in her life she has been sick. I count that as a year long lucky streak. She is not too grumpy as long as she has some Tylenol in her. Other than that her sickness consists of rubbing her runny nose over everything and rubbing her face violently with her hands, nothing we can't handle.
I stood in line at superstore today for half a bloody hour to get groceries for dinner. Superstore and saturday night does not make for a great date.


Anonymous said...

how many bodies did you leave laying around in the line? "clean up in aisle 3"

malcolm the nabob

Anonymous said...

Malcolm and I made the mistake of stopping at Walmart yesterday for a "quick" errand before meeting a friend for coffee. Hmmmph. We thought we were at Disney World when we saw the line up that curled around back and forth and then into the next back and forth station. surprisingly it moved fairly quickly. :) grr