Monday, October 27, 2008

mon-day bloody mon-day

oh wait
that's Sunday.

well I am finally back home. I was in Brooks for about 2 weeks just making the rounds visiting and such. I had not been home for a few months and felt like I needed a long visit.
Evie and I have been grocery shopping this morning
now she is napping and I am painting my toenails purple.
Evie is now 1
it seems it does not agree with her as she has decide that now would be a good time to start throwing temper tantrums
sometimes she screams and sometimes she just flops onto the floor. The flopping is funny, the screaming not so much.
she is also turned around in a toddler car seat and she seems to not enjoy this as much as she did her backwards baby car seat. I can tell by the random blood curdling screams that she does not like the sun in her eyes so much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I use random blood curdleing screams to keep my coworkers on edge.

malcolm the nabob