Friday, October 31, 2008

sure can start

so so so
I have been tagged to share my influences

1. RMC- specifically Dr. Joyce Peasgood, who took me from a world of black and white to a world of colour
2. Jeremy. It is kind of weird that I have known my husband since I was just a teenager. I have grown up in his presence and he has taught me what a person of character, intelligence, peace and kindness looks like and lives like.
3. The movies- I know that if I ever meet a future version of myself the space time continuum might be interrupted and I may find myself in an alternate future. I also know that Irish catholic firefighters lead the bravest, richest, fullest lives.
4. Theology- the intellectual pursuit of God
5. Spirituality- Combined with the above this is the pursuit of my life. The very central thing I know I am to do on this planet is to study these two things and let them seep into every area of my mind and soul. This is where I found myself. This is who I am called to be.


La said...

What am I...chopped liver?! I haven't at least influenced you to do the opposite of what I do?! Just Joking. No hard feelings. I know where you sleep.

Anonymous said...

mmmmm num chopped liver.

malcolm the nabob