Thursday, March 13, 2008

Kippers for breakfast, is it St. Swimmings day already?

where do I get get my titles? Well that is a special process requiring 12 secret spices slow roasted to perfection... um no.. that's KFC. hmmm. Well this one was a quote from the Simpsons. The last one was something my mom said, some others are Jeremy said. One is a quote from the office. that is about it. Whatever phrase pops into my head at time.
And what dear friends does 'Mostly Nakers' mean?....well nakers is what we call Evie when she has no clothes on. Evie your nakers! And I guess the 'mostly' refers to what I am willing to share here I am willing to be exposed but not all the way, this is after all a public forum. So I am not nakers I am mostly nakers.
There I hope I have answered your questions and brought a little ray of light into your day.


Michelle said...

I like your blog
and I like you.

Lindsay said...

We call Luke Baby Nudar when he's nekkid. It's a reference to the Futurama movie.

ER said...

speaking of nicknames for the naked babes, Kate has been dubbed Nakey Nakerson. Not sure where that came from...Nate of course, but where he got it...