Thursday, March 20, 2008

swimming, spinach salad,steak, splenda, and the 9 hour stomach ache

well yesterday was a bust. We did have a fun morning, Larissa and I took Evie and Selah swimming and then we came back here for lunch. I made a really good spinach salad with steak on top all was good until 2 that afternoon.....dun dun dun. Last week I had two huge gut aches, they both fell on the days when I ate spinach salad. But on those days I happened to have had starbucks coffee as well so I thought it was the coffee. Well it looks like I am allergic to spinach. I had a stomach ache that felt like alien babies were trying to break out of my gut for about 9 hours. I finally went away and i am feeling much better. Well I guess I will never be eating that again. again. ever ever again.

1 comment:

S.C. said...

I am also getting stomach aches from spinach, and I never used to. I haven't eaten it in a long time, but did tonight. I took it wasy, though, and sure enough I have a mild stomach ache. Glad I didn't overdo it.