Thursday, December 18, 2008

christmas steve will find me, where the love lights shine

so Evie has been dealing with eczema for a while now and for a baby that is tough. Plus it has been all around her face circling her eyes and mouth, and her skin is always raw and irritated. So we went to get her some food allergy testing ( and me as well because my eczema was raging all over my arms and hands ) and it turns out that she has sensitives to Dairy, yeast, wheat and sugar and so am I. So that leaves nothing to eat. Haha, no I am just joking. Some members of my family deal with various food allergies and they eat this way all the time, we have been heading down that path for about the last year now but needed something to take the plunge. Evie having food sensitivies did it for me. So she is totally off bread, dairy and other various things. Her face started to clear up within days of this. She is also on a heavy dose of probiotic bacteria. She likes goats milk, and we have no yeast added kamut bread with olive oil and natural peanut butter for breakfast. We have switched all of our pasta to rice pasta. There is a world of food out there for people with allergies and most of it far healthier than what we were eating before. (we can still eat the old stuff, just not too much of it so don't be afraid to invite us to your houses for dinner)
it is strange how food conscious I became when Evie started eating with us, and now even more. It feels good to know I am taking care of myself and her.
(jerm is still not totally on board, he likes his toast and butter)

Monday, December 15, 2008

a tooth! a tooth! My kingdom for a tooth!

So Evie cut her first tooth this weekend. Yes you heard me, her first tooth. She is 14 months old and this is her first tooth. It is a relief, I had this strange thought that maybe she would never get teeth and then we would have to buy dentures for a 5 year old. She did well enough without teeth, even taking hunks of chicken and beef and gumming them down to swallowable pieces. I am sure going to miss that gummy smile.

This weekend was the butt. All three of us were sick. Evie and I had been sick most of the week and then on friday night I was taken down again, an on saturday Jerm succumbed to illness. So we spent the weekend laying on the couch watching movies and just relaxing and playing with Evie. We all have colds. But I guess there was not much else we could have done this weekend while living in the north pole.