Monday, January 26, 2009

ow wow

so Jerm is in California for the week for a work conference type thing. Something about windows drivers. So I am here in Brooks for the week so that Evie and I did not have to get bored staring at only each other all week long.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

evie come crash on the floor

so I woke up from a dream the other night that went a little something like this:

I am wandering around a rabbit farm and I see cages of bunnies flapping their floppy ears as hard as they can and I think to myself ' those bunnies are turning into birds; well that's evolution for ya. Damn it!'

in other news don't buy a Sony Bravia LCD tv. We have had ours since for about two weeks now and last night it quit working. Stupid tv. I guess we'll see what kind of a warranty we got.

I should change the book I am said to be reading on my blog. I read about three or four books in between changing what it says I am reading. But I am too lazy on most occasions to change it.

here is a cutie sitting in her very own chair she got for her birthday. She likes to sit in it covered with a blanket and with her favorite stuffed animals. It is funny how we order our worlds at such a young age.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

new year?

ok so we made it through Christmas

i only had to go to the ER once to get antibiotics
so it turns out I was struck down with a sinus infection and strep throat. I had been sick off and on for about three weeks and then on boxing day started to feel worse and the next day woke up with a fever of 102.
I had feverish dreams all night long about yelling at people I would say things like 'I'm the one with dark hair and pale skin, I'M THE ONE!"
and " somebody better flood the rink, I'M NOT SKATING IN A SWIMMING POOL!"

so after a delirious day and night my mom finally made me go to the hospital and see a doctor.
and so I missed Christmas.
awww stink.